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May 15 2013 Wedding Insurance Guide As the summer time approaches, so too do many happy couples' wedding dates. The summer season is the season of love, and with that comes many planned wedding ceremonies, receptions, and open...
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May 8 2013 Insuring Mom's Jewels for Mother's Day If you're old enough to be reading this post than you're probably old enough to be beyond making a Mother's Day card with crayons and construction paper. She would probably still...
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Mar 22 2013 Motorcycle Safety Tips The feelings of freedom offered by the wide open road in conjunction with a motorized bike draw millions of Americans to purchase and operate motorcycles. As the pleasant weather of spring begins...
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Mar 7 2013 Top Foods for National Nutrition Month March is National Nutrition Month in the United States. Most people know that a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables is a good bet to stay healthy. But with the added emphasis on...
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Feb 28 2013 Protect Your Car From Theft Cars are expensive, and no one wants to get theirs stolen. It is a long and complicated process to try and find a car after it's been stolen. The wiser decision would be to make sure that...
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Feb 20 2013 In the past years, residences in St. Petersburg, Florida, have been hit with a barrage of property crime and burglary rates. With nearly 13,000 property crimes committed annually, the chances of a person living in St....
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Jan 2 2013 Road Rage You've probably heard the term "road rage" before, but do you know exactly what it means? Road rage is defined as an aggressive or angry behavior by a driver or an automobile or other motor vehicle. Some...
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Dec 14 2012 Bizarre Traffic Laws from Around the Country Traffic law is something that most of us take for granted. In our minds, we assume that it is a simple system where we accept a set of rules for driving and risk being...
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Dec 7 2012 December is Recognized as Drunk and Drugged Prevention Month This December, it is important that you think about the holiday season and enjoy the time that you get to spend with your family and friends, but it may also...
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Dec 7 2012 Home Repairs to Make Before Winter When the Christmas music starts playing on the radio and you pull your wool socks out of storage, you may also want to be thinking about home repair. By doing some specific home repair...
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Dec 3 2012 Workers' Comp You've probably heard the term 'workers' compensation' thrown around throughout your life. Whether you are business that is shopping for workers' compensation insurance or you are an employee looking for...
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Nov 16 2012 Do you Know How to Drive in the Rain? For people that live in extremely rainy areas, driving in the rain isn't a problem. They automatically adjust the conditions and can get around easily enough without slipping,...
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Nov 12 2012 Disability Insurance Although you have probably heard about disability insurance, it can be a difficult concept to fully understand. More than likely, your chances of needing disability insurance are higher than you...
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Oct 26 2012 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act The health of the rising generation has long been a topic of conversation amongst Americans. Around the world, the people of America have been envied or the subject of criticism for...
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Oct 12 2012 Drinking and Driving For a practice so routinely and vehemently advised against and for an action that bears with it so high a legal and moral consequence, the act of drinking and driving is still carried out at...
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Oct 5 2012 Boat Safety Tips Do you know how to make sure that your family is safe on the boat? Taking time to make sure that everyone is safe while on the boat may be obnoxious at first, but when you think of the risk that you are...
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Sep 28 2012 What is the Difference Between Whole Life and Term Insurance? When people think of life insurance, they often don't realize that there are two different options available for people when they are selecting a policy....
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Sep 21 2012 Making Insurance Shopping Easy Buying car insurance does not have to be a stressful process. If you are a first time insurance buyer or if you are looking for a new car and know you will be in the market for insurance,...
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Sep 21 2012 What are the most absurd things to insure? Are you financially prepared for an alien abduction? What about if you got eaten by the Loch Ness monster? Someone should be held accountable for these horrific events and it...
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Sep 7 2012 The human race is sociable by nature. We congregate into little communities in order to satisfy a base need of fellowship we each hold dear. Even the most solitary person needs to come back into society for some form of...
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Sep 4 2012 Every year, stories pour in describing the devastated circumstances of those in the path of natural disasters. Several escape unscathed from the storm, but too many aren't as lucky. Unfortunately, in terms of being in...
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Aug 13 2012 Does your real estate insurance cover you in the event that a wildfire should completely engulf your home in a blaze? Or is it bare minimum?
Ask yourself this question about every aspect of your real estate insurance....
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Jul 13 2012 When you go grocery shopping, are you ever embarrassed of what is in your cart? Should you run into your doctor at the grocery store, would you try to awkwardly block your cart to make sure your doctor doesn't see
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