Harbor Insurance Group
Aug 13, 2012
Does your real estate insurance cover you in the event that a wildfire should completely engulf your home in a blaze? Or is it bare minimum? Ask yourself this question about every aspect of your real estate insurance. Make sure to inspect your protection against flood, earthquake, tornado and whatever natural disaster could destroy your home. Here are a few things to think about when buying or re-evaluating your coverage.
Determine how much coverage you need to cover a square foot of your house. Depending on factors such as materials and techniques used, or location of the home will help you determine the amount of coverage that you need.
Cover yourself by purchasing liability insurance. Should anyone injury themselves on your property, you will want to make sure you can protect yourself with your insurance company’s attorney, should they try to sue. Anyone can sue anyone else at any time. Whether or not they win is irrelevant to the fact that you will have major legal fees to pay either way. Your day to day budget often can’t afford those kinds of expenses. Prepare yourself with liability coverage.
If you haven’t looked at your current policy for a while, look over it. You likely purchased a cheaper insurance plan to save you and your family money. Re-evaluate your current financial situation and see if you can afford better coverage. Thousands of homes this year have already been destroyed by fire in the U.S. Imagine how many more have been destroyed by tornados, hurricanes and other natural disasters. You may think that you’ll be the exception to the rule, but you are just as likely as any of those who lost their homes. Should it be destroyed, you want to make sure your insurance can replace it.
With several of the largest and most respected companies, we’re confident we can find the best coverage and rates for you.
With several of the largest and most respected companies, we’re confident we can find the best coverage and rates for you.
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